Retreat 2016

Welcome & Kia ora
Hold the dates....the retreat is coming February 25th-28th 2016.!!!
The retreat will be an opportunity for everyone interested or involved in unschooling to share their journey, ask questions, find inspiration, learn new skills, connect with others and enjoy living in an
unschooling community. This is a family centred retreat - anyone you consider part of your whanau is welcome.

Friday, 15 February 2013

Retreat starts Thursday from 3pm...

I have been asked so here we are..the retreat starts
                        3pm Thursday  

Follow the road down to Foxton Beach, which becomes Seabury Ave, turn right into Nash Parade, which then turns into Bond St.
Fabrin St and the camp is on the right - there will be a sign or flag or something there.
The camp is at the end of Fabrin St.

See you there!

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Paint Ball alternative

There has not been enough bookings for the paintball at this stage, so we are booking an alternative.
Lloyd will come and set up an onsite target range which involves using paint ball shots to hit still and moving targets.

Hearthland is heavily subsidising this so all can have a go!
This will be set up on Saturday morning during the womens will cunningly distract many children!

There are 20 children  over 6 there that morning so if each wanted a go they will get 100 shots each. Parents may want turns too of course.
A gold coin donation would be appreciated to go towards the cost.  :)

There will also be sports gear available, the pine forest and the  nearby beach  - not to mention many children to play with too.

less than a week to go...

Kia Ora,
Very exciting!
We visited the venue yesterday - Foxton Beach Boys Brigade and it iwill be a great site.  Heaps of space to camp and to play in under big pine trees.

So what to bring?
Here is a checklist....
1.  Your own bedding (and camping gear if you are camping)

2.  Food!

 Breakfast, lunch, and the stuff for each evening meal .There is a menu for evening meals under food on this blog so please take the time to read it.
I am sure everyone will help out, but the plan is to have a few folk organising each dinner, so we all get a break for the kitchen so far I have Karen, Heather, Kate, Willow, Suzanne, Joanne offering to help, let me know if you are able to (ie have a partner there or don't have young children...)
(Hhhmmmmm looks like the men are on dishes!!)

3.    Bring cash for smoothies, nuts and dried fruit, pancake breakfast, market day, juggling workshop, paintball target range....
There is dairy and cafe within walking distance and a supermarket and vege store a 5 min drive away.

4.  Board games for Friday night

5.   Concert instruments/ equipment for Sunday night - dancing, music, poetry, magic, drama....
 children and ADULTS can perform.

6.  Medieval dress ups for Saturday night..

7. Beach gear - boogie boards, wetsuits, togs etc...

8.  Any money for the retreat camp & wind warriors can be deposited into the Hearthland account for up to a week afterwards.
Please let me know if you need to pay in instalments.  :)

9. Bring your questions and queries, sense of humour, your wisdom, your wonderings,your wonderful children and your amazing selves!

See you there....

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Wind Warriors at the retreat

Saturday afternoon we have some FUN stuff planned down at the beach!

Wind Warriors do all sorts of cool things...Check them out here.

We have a slot booked which involves a 15 min teaching session
                                          1 hour on a paddle board
                                         1 hour on a kite surfer
                                     For just $25 per person!

This is recommended for 8 years and up (younger children may be able to have goes or share)

*****You need to register your interest as there are limited spaces!
                                               **********This is a weather dependent activity.  :)  

Please register with me  asap

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

medieval dress ups

Saturday night is fancy dress at the retreat.

So remember to pack your bodice, cloaks, swords, hoods....

We will dress for dinner with a parade beforehand so we can all check out the costumes.

Then we can party - some medieval games, some music and dancing......

Rhythm for the far!

This is a working plan, it will change so please add you 5 cents worth! And keep checking in with this blog.


Thursday - Arrive and set up
                -  flag making and painting                
                 - Welcome, sharing time to introduce each other...

Friday   -   10am - Juggling workshop - make your own set of juggling balls and then learn to juggle!
                                                                            (Small cost involved)
                   Board game evening bring your favourite game to share.

Saturday  - Morning women's circle   (10am....)
                   Paint ball target range on site - gold coin, up to 100 shots per child
                   Wind warriors down at the beach                
                   Fancy dress pot luck dinner,- Medieval theme!
                    music, dancing... Drumming???

Sunday  -     Pancake Breakfast  (8am....)
                    Market                    (10am....)
                    Men's circle  

Monday -  Free for discussion, play, swimming

Paint ball at the retreat

Only a couple of weeks to go now! Very exciting.
I know there some people  looking at coming for a day and wondering which day is best...

We are just in the process of booking in some activites aimed at the older children.

Paintball Sunday 24th Feb 1-3pm

This is nearby (a short drive) at Platoon Wargames Himitangi/
They are booking the whole place just for us, so it will be safer for younger children who want to play.
I know the biggest concern with this is that IT HURTS!  The guys said if you wear long pants and a top under their padded overalls the paint balls feel like a ping pong ball, no bruises.

This is in an army setting, we have two hours of playing. There are 5 games you go through and the guys that run it sound as though they are involved in helping out.
Spectators are welcome and if you bring food you can sit in an army setting and watch the games.

***Cost is $40 per person.
This gives you 100 paint balls.
More can be purchased ($10 for 100 before p;ay starts or $15 during play)
****12year olds and over can play alone, 7-12 year olds need an adult playing alongside.

Please let me know if you are in!