Retreat 2016

Welcome & Kia ora
Hold the dates....the retreat is coming February 25th-28th 2016.!!!
The retreat will be an opportunity for everyone interested or involved in unschooling to share their journey, ask questions, find inspiration, learn new skills, connect with others and enjoy living in an
unschooling community. This is a family centred retreat - anyone you consider part of your whanau is welcome.

Monday, 28 November 2011

Registrations are now open

We are now taking registrations,  we have included information on the Registration page, but do contact us if you have any questions at all.

Friday, 11 November 2011

Everyone is welcome

We just wanted to clarify, this is an event for the whole whanau.  All babies, children of any age, family members eg grandparents, supportive friends etc are very welcome.  Unschooling is all about the family being together, and making those supportive connections in the community, so we welcome anyone who wants to attend.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011


Now for the important stuff!

This will be updated as we go so please keep checking it!

The plan at this stage is...
Friday night dinner - Tortillas
Please bring tortillas (mountain bread do gluten free ones),
Some beans or tomatoes for the main refried bean mixture, this will be organic
And one other filling eg, lettuce, coleslaw, cheese, tomatoes, cucumber, sour cream, any salady bits....

We have successfully had this meal with large groups before and it means it can be dairy free, gluten free etc so hopefully meet everyones needs.

HELP!  We need a couple of people to volunteer to co ordinate this meal...please let me know if this is you!

Saturday nights dinner....
Pot luck shared meal based on salads and breads.  There is a BBQ available too for those who want to cook anything.

We are hoping to have some food available during the retreat  and are working on options for this.
Some ideas are
Pancake breakfast on Sunday morning  (.50c ea)
Coffee/juice/smoothie stall
Fresh and dried fruit and nuts available to buy

Sunday nights dinner
We will provide cooked pasta and cooked brown rice, so  just bring your favourite sauces/mayo & salad bits/pre made curry to mix in or accompany  these.
Breakfast and lunch will be self catering at this stage. (Sunday pancake breakfast -.50c)

Hope that makes sense


Accomodation at Rangi Woods


Just some more information about the accomodation.  Everyone needs to bring their own pillows, and bedding (eg sleeping bags, or sheets and duvets)  There are 6 smaller cabins that sleep 6-8 people and 2 large ones, all with bunks which have vinyl covered mattresses.  Beds will be on a first come first served basis.
Extra mattresses can be put down for people to sleep marae style in the main hall too. So if you miss out on a cabin space, but do not want to camp, you can bring mattresses for this option

I have had requests from lots of families to book a cabin, but at this stage we are only taking bookings for a bed space. When you arrive it will be a case of sorting out where beds are available.
The other option is camping.  There is room to camp around the main buildings.  If that fills up there is a camp ground in the same area (1 minutes walk from where we are!)

If there are people coming who would prefer to stay off the site, we can try to sort out a homestay nearby  too. :)

Please state when you register what you would prefer.
There are toilets and hot showers in the accomodation block to share
Looking forward to meeting you all!