Retreat 2016

Welcome & Kia ora
Hold the dates....the retreat is coming February 25th-28th 2016.!!!
The retreat will be an opportunity for everyone interested or involved in unschooling to share their journey, ask questions, find inspiration, learn new skills, connect with others and enjoy living in an
unschooling community. This is a family centred retreat - anyone you consider part of your whanau is welcome.

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Problem with Registration Email Link - FIXED!

Due to the presence of an "!" at the end of the registration email link (, some registration requests weren't getting through.  The issue has been fixed so click and register away!! 

Thank you, Ron, for bringing this to our attention.  : )

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Registrations Are Open!

We've decided to handle registrations the old fashioned way...

Please click on the "Register Now" link to the right 
and send us an email with the following info
(feel free to copy and paste the next paragraph
into the body of the email):

Number in your party, names and ages
Number of nights you'll be staying
Which nights you'll be staying
Accommodation type preferred (camping or bunk room)
Any activities you want to pay for now
The total amount you think you owe

The per-person, per-night fees are as follows:
Ages 0-5 inclusive $0
6-16 $5/night
17+ $11/night

Length of stay is 1-4 nights (20th, 21st, 22nd & 23rd).
(Please only book the 20th if you want to help set up.)

There are 50 beds available in the bunk rooms.
The rest of us will be camping.

The ACTIVITIES that can be prepaid are:
Lino-cutting & printing, including lino, ink, paper & equipment hire $5/person
Paint Ball $2/person
Tie-dying, including dye & equipment (BYO T-shirt, flags, etc.) $1/person

Please deposit fees into 
ASB account number 12-3135-0119387-00
Please put "retreat" under "Particulars" and
your family name under "Reference".
Once the fees are received your spot will be reserved!

Look forward to seeing you there!!

Wednesday, 15 January 2014


Sunday Morning Pancakes
For your dining pleasure...
Jo and Andrew's family have graciously offered
to make pancakes again this year.
So don't forget to bring some extra cash
so you can take part in the culinary goodness!
(Gluten-free pancakes may be made available
if there's enough interest.)

Only 5 weeks to go!!


The retreat is getting closer and we are getting things organised behind the scenes....
Firstly the registration is VERY close, sorry for the delay and do not give up!  There are a whole lot of folk who are waiting patiently to register...there is plenty of room at the retreat, you wont miss out.  It will be a fabulous time away again I am sure.

One thing to think about are some of the activities....

**** The mobile paint ball unit will be set up again ($2)
**** Lino cutting and printing  (small charge)
**** Tie dying flags (and other cotton things if you bring them)
**** Screen printing (gold coin) - a unique and specially designed motif will be available so bring some           cotton to print on - tee-shirt, bag, pillow case etc....

NB -  When you register you will be able to pay for these activites in advance.

You may also want to start thinking about market stalls and getting creative!!

More soon.....

Sunday, 5 January 2014

saturday night dress ups

Feedback please!

Last year we had a medieval themed dress-up, parade, activites and banquet
Do we want to repeat this ever popular theme again ?

Please feedback and give ideas.    (The first year was dress as something beginning with a letter -F)


food at the retreat.....

Working on what has been easy in the past here is a menu plan for evening meals....

Friday night tortillas......
           ******Please bring  tortillas, beans or tomatoes to contribute to a large refried beans &  salad/sour cream/ cheese/ any other fillings.

Saturday night - baked spuds and fillings..... plus desserts
           ****** Please bring scrubbed potatoes, salad and either a hot topping or a dessert

Sunday night - Pasta
           *****Please bring pasta, your favourite sauce, cheese, salads....

!!!!!!Sunday morning pancakes have been a huge success in the past - we are still needing a family to take this on.  It involves you providing everything to make pancakes, plus toppings then getting up and cooking, serving and selling pancakes on Sunday morning.  Usually starting by 8am,  You need to have a few capable older kids or adults as it is pretty full on!  (And a lot of mixture!)
 Pancakes have been sold in the past for $1

Let me know if this sounds like your family....

Lunches and breakfasts and otherwise do-it-yourself.   There is a large kitchen, plenty of fridge space, and shops nearby.