Retreat 2016

Welcome & Kia ora
Hold the dates....the retreat is coming February 25th-28th 2016.!!!
The retreat will be an opportunity for everyone interested or involved in unschooling to share their journey, ask questions, find inspiration, learn new skills, connect with others and enjoy living in an
unschooling community. This is a family centred retreat - anyone you consider part of your whanau is welcome.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Retreat 2013

Yes folks!  We have booked next years retreat following the success of our first unschooling retreat earlier this year.
It was such a wonderful time, living together in a community and sharing inspiration, stories and time together.

Our venue for this retreat is quite different.  We are near a beautiful beach - just a walk over the sand dunes. There will be opportunities  for beach time,  horse trekking,  paint ball,  kite sports, tramping....
Plus shared meals, the popular womans and mens circles, chances for discussions, questions answered, stories shared.....
Watch this space!

So what can you do?

    1.    Mark your diaries and calendars
    2.    Plan for time off work
    3.    Enter your email on the left to receive each new post
    4.    Share this with anyone you think may be interested