Jane and Tracy from the Hearthland Educators group in the Manawatu are organising this next February.
. All are welcome to come along - please email nzunschoolingretreat@gmail.com if you are interested or want more information.
Camp Rangi Woods (Pohangina, near Palmerston North)
February 17th, 18th, 19th 2012 (Fri, Sat, Sun nights)
$10 per child per night, $20 per adult per night in cabins (first 70 people), then camping in the same complex (cost includes accom, rubbish/cleaning, craft/activity supplies)
Meals - self catered breakfast and lunch
Friday night meal will be tortillas (shared)
Saturday night a shared meal - details when you register
Sunday night - To Be Decided...
To make this work we are hoping everyone will offer to help with something
We are currently working on the programme and hope to include the following
Friday arrive from 12 noon
Making flags
Making candles
"How we came to unschooling"
Sharing your story, your journey
Drumming circle
Glow worm walk
Making musical instruments
Poi and weaving
hobo stoves
Dad's session
Share your experience and listen to others
Parade with flags, instruments
Challenges of unschooling
eat the chocolate
Family challenge/ treasure hunt
Kids forum
Lots of swimming in the lovely river!!!
We have just returned inspired from the Australian Unschooling Retreat and have alot to think about!
What worked well was lots of time for everyone to speak, share their stories, ask questions, meet others and to enjoy living in an unschooling community together.
Please send feedback and if there is anything you think you could lead/ run/ help with please let us know. These are just ideas, so can be changed depending of what people want to offer.
Spread the word too!!
Jane and Tracey